New York State legislation S. 4943B/A. 6235 directed the MTA to prepare and submit to the legislature a Strategic Action Plan to improve bicycle and pedestrian access at its bridges, stations, and other facilities. In light of growing bike/ped transportation as well as emerging micromobility technologies, the MTA recognized this as an opportunity to expand access to existing MTA services and facilities, increase customers’ mobility choices, and increase access to the regional transit system.
UCS developed an actionable framework for organizing best practices thematically around station Access and Mobility, Bicycles onboard Transit Vehicles, Safe Routes to Transit/Bridges, Demand Management, and Performance Management. This framework formed the basis for the plan's ultimate organization. Within each of these themes, UCS worked with each of the agencies to develop strategies that addressed operational constraints, while balancing emerging mobility opportunities. UCS also provided subject matter expertise on Bicycle Integration with transit throughout the process.
In January 2023, the MTA released the strategic action plan to improve bicycle, pedestrian, and micromobility access across the MTA's regional transit network, including subway and commuter rail stations, bus stops, and bridges. The plan also commits to the eventual integration trip planning and payments with bike-sharing and micromobility services. In addition, the plan includes areas dor collaboration and coordination with NYC DOT and regional stakeholders to improve the pedestrian and bicycle network surrounding MTA facilities.